Topics for research opportunities and networking

Are you interested to offer a topic for research thesis and start an international cooperation with other EUNICE researchers? 

If YES, please fill in the following form

Disclaimer: This portal aims to foster mobility for theses and curricular final projects of the EUNICE European University's students (bachelor, master, Ph.D.). Please note that the administrative/financial issues related to the mobility for the thesis are not handled via the portal but need to be addressed at each home University by consulting the International Relations Offices (for funding opportunities) and the students' registration or examination offices (for administrative issues). Useful links can be found here:



The data collected in this form will be collected on the basis of our public interest mission and processed exclusively for the purpose it explicitly pursues, namely, to identify organisations interested in joining our EUNICE professional network. The data controller is University of Catania, Piazza Università, 16 Catania, Italy, and can be contacted for any questions regarding this processing ( The data will be communicated on the EUNICE professional network platform and will be visible to the users of this platform. It will be kept for the duration of the EUNICE project and in the framework of the European University that will be set up. You have the right to access your data, to have them rectified, to request limitation, to object to the processing. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. It is possible to contact our Data Protection Officer in advance You can consult our privacy policy via the link

Part 1: Info on the Thesis' Supervisor
Part 2: Thesis' topic proposal
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Primary ERC (European Research Council) sector
(If applicable)
Part 3: Useful Information
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