Small-scale sustainable ammonia production plant as a renewable fuel for cargo ships

Synthesis, analysis and evaluation of different alternatives, selecting the best sustainable alternatives for small-scale ammonia production using seawater and air as raw materials. Performance, economic, environmental and social criteria will be used as criteria evaluation. Through the application of Process System Engineering methodologies, it is intended providing evidence and technical support for decision-making in the design of a plant for the ammonia supply as fuel to cargo ships from a floating platform in a port. The work involves process synthesis and design. In the process synthesis task, the optimal interconnection between the units of the process and the type of design of the units within the system are determined. The process design task is focused on determining the operating conditions, sizing and costing of each of the process unit. This research seeks to determine both the optimal configuration of the plant and the operating conditions of each piece of equipment.
simulation and optimization
process design
green ammonia
ERC sector(s)
PE Physical Sciences and Engineering
Name supervisor
Javier R. Viguri Fuente
Name of Department/Faculty/School
Chemistry and Process and Resources Engneering Department. School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications
Name of the host University
University of Cantabria (UC)
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination Research
Thesis level
Minimal language knowledge requisite
English B2
Thesis mode
Start date
Length of the research internship
Financial support available (other than E+)