Educational Sciences

Pro Loco Riviera dei Ciclopi

The Pro Loco is a no-profit voluntary association carrying out its work in the context of numerous and varied sectors: from tourism to cultural, social, food and wine, preservation and recovery of architectural assets, environmental resources, the recovery of popular traditions and crafts (the so-called intangible culture), with the unique and exclusive purpose of promoting and enhancing the area of ​​relevance.

Controvento S.c.s

The Social Enterprise CONTROVENTO Onlus born in 2015 from the desire and commitment of professional members that want to spend their skills in the socio-psycho-pedagogical field and to create services of which the territory of Catania showed profound deficiencies. The Social Enterprise CONTROVENTO Onlus is committed to improving the quality of people's lives. Main areas of the services, thanks to a multidisciplinary team, are the following: ABA-Applied Behaviour Analysis, the Academy of autonomy and work ​placement, Training courses, psychological support and support for families.

Circolo Didattico "M. Rapisardi"

The "Mario Rapisardi" institute of Catania is a kindergarten and primary school. It has a single complex: a garden floor with 8 sections of kindergarten, three of which are municipal, and three upper floors with offices and 29 primary school classes. The student population is about 700 pupils. As for human resources, the institution makes use of stable, expert teachers with high professional skills and trained and available ATA staff.

Associazione ZELOS ONLUS

ELOS ASSOCIATION ONLUS promotes concrete actions for the protection of the individual's social-cultural-educational rights. By means of the project 'Casa di Momo', it places the minor at the center of Educational Action, with his needs, his rhythms, his spaces; the Educating Community, which actively involves all the actors who meet the child and Nature on a daily basis, through experiences of outdoor education, experiential education and forest pedagogy.


Turnè is a tourist services agency based in Noto deadling, among the various sectors, with the use and enhancement of the Medieval Section of the Civic Museum of Noto. Museums are not containers, rooms in which to amass fascinating objects, they have passed the embryonic stage of the wunderkammer. The idea is to make graduates discover an environment that is often underestimated but which can offer a series of opportunities to work in the various fields of culture and art and communication.

Associazione di Volontariato Vides Ginestra

Vides Ginestra is a voluntary association, registered in the regional register, which has been operating in the suburbs since 1995. In particular, the commitment of the members has mainly focused on the Librino neighborhood. Among the events organized in the southern suburbs are 'Summer for children' and after-school activities. For 6 years, in charge of the Municipality, the association has managed the community center for minors of the Municipality, supporting families and promoting women.

Associazione Coccinella

The Coccinella Association manages a Paritary Kindergarten (made up of three sections divided into three homogeneous age groups, a spring section that welcomes children from two to three years old and a micronid that welcomes children from six months. The school is active in Acireale since 1977.