Green Transitions - Financial and Economic Perspectives

European countries are explicitly committed to a fair green transition, with the potential to generate impacts throughout the continent and across many sectors (EC, 2019, 2020a, 2021a, 2021b and 2021c). Recently studies have also highlighted the complexity of such transitions and the action required in a number of areas to achieve the ambitious targets and goals. There seems to be a consensus that maximising the beneficial impacts and reducing the detrimental consequences of the transformation of Europe into an environmentally sustainable, socially cohesive and economically competitive region requires an appropriate design of policies and agreements, which take into account the institutional feasibility as well as the financial, economic, social costs and benefits of such interventions.
Green Transition
European Financial Institutions
Development and Promotional Banks
Economic ESG Impact Assessments
ERC sector(s)
LS Life Sciences
Name supervisor
Daniel Diaz-Fuentes
Name of Department/Faculty/School
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Name of the host University
University of Cantabria (UC)
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination Research
Thesis level
Minimal language knowledge requisite
English C2
Spanish C1
Thesis mode
Start date
Length of the research internship
6 months
Financial support available (other than E+)