ISMN is a CNR research institute internationally recognized for the multidisciplinary activities in the field of nanostructured materials and enabling processes and technologies. The institute aims to generate the state of the art of knowledge in the field of chemical production and materials science and technology and to exploit the results of research through the relationship with the industrial and business world. ISMN is present throughout the country with its four offices, one of which is located in Palermo in via Ugo La Malfa, 153, in the Palermo Research Area. Researchers of the Palermo office, of which n. 4 units carry out research activities at the University of Messina (Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences of the University of Messina, Viale F. Stagno D 'Alcontres, 31, Messina), deal with the development and characterization of materials advanced and sustainable functional, organic, inorganic and hybrid nanostructured, and eco-friendly and innovative processes / technologies for various applications, such as Green Chemistry, Circular Economy, Environmental Remediation; Materials, Processes and Technologies for the production of Chemicals, Biofuels and Energy; Surface modification and reactivity; Materials and Devices for Biomedicine / Drug Delivery / Diagnostics / Nutraceuticals and Drug Discovery; Diagnostics and development of materials for the Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.