Quantum combinatorial optimisation


Convex relaxations [1] (such as linear programming relaxation) have been widely studied in theoretical computer science [2, 3] and operational research, and have been successfully applied to various fields of artificial intelligence, such as local clustering, segmentation, and three-dimensional reconstruction. Their quantum implementations on specific NP-hard problems [4] have shown to provide better approximations compared to classical counterparts. The proposed theses can either focus on the study and review of the literature on the subject (compilative theses), or on the development and analysis of new algorithms for combinatorial problems on graphs or other structures, based on quantum or hybrid computational models (classical-quantum), with the goal of achieving improved computational efficiency. Basic knowledge of linear algebra, algorithms and data structures is strongly recommended.

[1] S. P. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe. Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

[2] M. Bodirsky, M. Mamino, and C. Viola. Piecewise Linear Valued CSPs Solvable by Linear Programming   Relaxation. ACM Trans. Comput. Logic, 23(1), nov 2021.

[3] C. Viola and S. Živný. The Combined Basic LP and Affine IP Relaxation for Promise VCSPs on Infinite Domains. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 17(3), july 2021.

[4] D.J. Egger. et al. Warm-starting quantum optimization. Quantum, 2020.

Quantum algorithms
Convex relaxations
NP-hard problems
ERC sector(s)
PE Physical Sciences and Engineering
Fields of study
Name supervisor
Caterina Viola
Name of Department/Faculty/School
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Name of the host University
University of Catania (UNICT)
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination Research
Thesis level
Minimal language knowledge requisite
English B2
Italian A1
Thesis mode
Start date
Call deadline
Length of the research internship
3 months
Financial support available (other than E+)