
Associazione Talità Kum

The Talità kum association is located in Librino, on the outskirts of Catania. Volunteers and operators take care of minors in the area from 0 to 16 years. The services are open for free every day. In the morning, for children from 0 to 3 years, there is the Nursery, in the afternoon a Play Area for children from 3 to 5 years, and the Aggregation Center for children from 6 to 16 years with after-school activities and workshops . The association also deals with parenting support thanks to the help of professionals and meetings for pregnant women and mothers in difficulty.

Agire Società Cooperativa Sociale

Agire (Italian for to act) is a cooperative founded in 2012 that deals with social inclusion through projects allowing disabled people to be included in working contexts and specific activities. In 2017 a new project was started managing the municipal cultural sites with the objective of making them totally accessible; this goal has been partially achieved through Italian Sign Language tours, Braille writing routes and improvements for people with mobility impairment.


The Pro loco Association San Teodoro has been carrying out its cultural activity for almost twenty years mainly in the villages of San Teodoro sicula and Cesarò, small towns in the Sicilian hinterland with a predominantly agricultural vocationPastoral that, despite having considerable potential, suffer because of the geographical isolation in which they find themselves. The Association was founded in 2001 with the desire to create a place of social and cultural aggregation and encourage the promotion of the territory.

SIKARTE Associazione culturale artistica

The SIKARTE Cultural-Artistic Association is a non-profit organization that exclusively pursues cultural purposes by promoting and organizing events in the area of ​​visual, musical, literary and theatrical arts.
Sikarte’s mission is spreading the art and its knowledge with cultural activities as exhibitions and events, such as educational workshops, guided tours and similar; extending the knowledge of artistic culture in general, through the web and contacts between people, organizations and associations, encouraging the activities of emerging and professionals artists.

MetaCometa APS

MetaCometa APS is an association of families who welcome minors temporarily removed from their family of origin following a provision by the Juvenile Court. Metacometa was born in Sicily and has been operating for over twenty years. It is present today in Calabria, Marche and Friuli. MetaCometa, in addition to reception within families, operates with a family home, two co-housing, two centers for semi-residential reception and is involved in various projects to combat child maltreatment and the contrast of educational poverty.


A historic residence and classic example of Sicilian eclectic architecture, Villa Boscarino is now a Boutique Hotel immersed in nature, a place to enjoy an ideal stay in the urban centre of Ragusa. A place where we celebrate the luxury of time, time as a natural, rediscovered and more authentic pace that follows the rhythm of the seasons, of food and of wellbeing. A starting point to discover Sicily in an unconventional way, with transversal experiences for discovering the region from unusual and always novel points of view.

Pro Loco Vittoria

The Tourist Association Pro Loco Vittoria aims to enhance and promote the territory of Vittoria and Scoglitti. In these two years it has grown creating synergy with the Municipal Authority, the Municipality of Vittoria and others, strengthening the territory more and more. The relationships we have established with local, regional and national tour operators are important to make our territory known (churches, palaces, wineries, companies in the agri-food sector, etc).


Incoming tour operator specialised in active tourism and nature and adventure travels in Italy. Born from a group of young guides, hiking experts, nature and mountain lovers, art and archeology enthusiasts, thanks to the many personal and professional experiences in the work of outdoor accompaniment, Altai Italia today represents the perfect partner for the organisation of your trip to nature.
Our goal is to give tourists a unique experience, linked to the discovery of wonderful natural landscapes, parks and reserves, marine oases and itineraries unknown to the general public.

Fondazione Città del Fanciullo

The City of the Child Foundation Acireale is a non-profit organization, with the aim of social and cultural promotion. It pursues wide-ranging educational and training purposes and collaborates with realities and subjects that move in areas that favor the growth and integral development of the person in civil society, also through innovative paths.