

ECLAT S.r.l. is a research based company with a high technological content specialized in the sector of combustion-free devices that can replace the traditional cigarette with clear benefits for health. Established in July 2018 as a spin off of the University of Catania, on the proposal of Prof. Riccardo Polosa, within the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, ECLAT was born from the desire to enhance, concentrate and harmonize skills and professionalism that have developed in the academic, regulatory and industrial fields on the topic of cigarette smoking risk reduction.

RC media s.r.l.

RC Media srl ​​is a management consultancy company specializing in corporate, fiscal, tax and strategic legal consultancy services for companies and public bodies, also in global operations and in the internationalization process.

RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A.

RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A. is an active member of RSM, a network of companies that are independent amongst themselves, specialising in account auditing and organisation and in the area of tax, corporate and financial guidance.
RSM International is, in turn, a member of the IFAC’s (International Federation of Accountants) Forum of Firms, which all the main global account auditing company networks belong to.


The SERVICE Company aims to offer in the plant engineering field an exhaustive engineering service for the multiple needs of the Client and aimed at obtaining "Global Quality". External collaboration relationships have been extended with other professionals of reliable trust and competence which, in perfect synergy, allow the Company to offer both public and private clients a multidisciplinary and technologically advanced service.

Di Mauro & Partners Srl

Di Mauro & Partners Srl is an accounting and consulting services company in the fiscal, tax, corporate and accounting fields. Within the company there are two souls, one inherent in the automated services for the compilation, control and shipment of all the formalities relating to corporate / business life required by law, and another relating to the advice provided by the professionals who collaborate with Society.


MASTERBOSS ITALIA is data-driven lateral thinking. It is technological innovation. It is integration of tools. MASTERBOSS ITALIA is led by professionals who want to be useful. MASTERBOSS ITALIA guides the processes of digital transformation and innovation in the company organization. We think about how to integrate all the technological tools to build integrated, modern and functional systems devoted to automation and artificial intelligence.

Associazione I Diritti del Debitore

The Association The rights of the Debtor promotes the construction of Organisms for the Composition of the Crisis for over-indebtedness in accordance with the law n. 3 2012 - M.D. 202 of the 24/09/2012. The handled Organisms prepare Debt Restructuring Plans which, in solidarity, adapt Creditors rights to collect, at least in part, their credit and the Debtor rights to pay as much as possible, assumed a sum which ensures to the over-indebted and its family a decent way of life.