
Circolo Didattico "M. Rapisardi"

The "Mario Rapisardi" institute of Catania is a kindergarten and primary school. It has a single complex: a garden floor with 8 sections of kindergarten, three of which are municipal, and three upper floors with offices and 29 primary school classes. The student population is about 700 pupils. As for human resources, the institution makes use of stable, expert teachers with high professional skills and trained and available ATA staff.

BrainCare srl

We are a clinical center that was born in 2011 from the idea of ​​a doctor to combine the skills of several health professionals and put them at the service of people with cognitive, mental and motor problems. We take care every day to give dreams and hopes back to all those who come to us. We listen to stories of people who have suffered and who want to go back to what they used to be. There are those who ask to take their child back in their arms, those who want to return to do their job or those who need to be listened to.

Soc. IntegrOrienta Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

IntegrOrienta is a non-profit social cooperative of type A, which is configured as a manager of social welfare and educational services. Enrolled in the 1st section of the Register of entities that carry out activities in favor of immigrants, the Cooperative finalizes its initiatives to the integrated promotion of the territory and its components, with particular attention to human capital, including the younger generations.

Associazione ZELOS ONLUS

ELOS ASSOCIATION ONLUS promotes concrete actions for the protection of the individual's social-cultural-educational rights. By means of the project 'Casa di Momo', it places the minor at the center of Educational Action, with his needs, his rhythms, his spaces; the Educating Community, which actively involves all the actors who meet the child and Nature on a daily basis, through experiences of outdoor education, experiential education and forest pedagogy.


MASTERBOSS ITALIA is data-driven lateral thinking. It is technological innovation. It is integration of tools. MASTERBOSS ITALIA is led by professionals who want to be useful. MASTERBOSS ITALIA guides the processes of digital transformation and innovation in the company organization. We think about how to integrate all the technological tools to build integrated, modern and functional systems devoted to automation and artificial intelligence.


Turnè is a tourist services agency based in Noto deadling, among the various sectors, with the use and enhancement of the Medieval Section of the Civic Museum of Noto. Museums are not containers, rooms in which to amass fascinating objects, they have passed the embryonic stage of the wunderkammer. The idea is to make graduates discover an environment that is often underestimated but which can offer a series of opportunities to work in the various fields of culture and art and communication.


The A.I.D.E. Region of Sicily, from the year of its establishment, 2017, has been projected to support families, children, adolescents and the disabled. The activities are implemented through public events, listening desks, and in particular a "neutral space".

Accademia Abadir

ABADIR is an Academy of Design and Visual Communication located on the slopes of Mount Etna, active on a local, national and international scale in the training of young people on project disciplines and new media, boasting collaborations and partnerships with Italian and European companies and institutions. The training offer includes a three-year course, some masters, workshops and laboratories.


The A.I.A.S. section of Acireale carries out neuro-psychomotor rehabilitation activities aimed at people with a physical, psychic, sensorial handicap, independent of age and cause, in agreement with the National Health Service. It also deals with the social inclusion of disabled people.

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie (Mons / Belgique - Belgium)

In 1958, Lola Bobesco created “Les Solistes de Bruxelles" [Brussels Soloists], renamed "Ensemble d’archets Eugène Ysaÿe" [Eugène Ysaÿe String Ensemble], now known as the "Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie" (ORCW) [Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia]. The orchestra has worked together regularly with the biggest names in music on the most important international stages: