Event space

Associazione Culturale Zo

Zo is a “factory” planning and producing cultural events, in network with similar international structures, aiming at promoting the diffusion of all contemporary artistic and cultural expression. Zo is a space which is continously changing, born to receive multidisciplinary events with different requirements and characteristics, and trying to test new ways of presenting events. Zo is known in Italy as a “pilot project” because it tries to add a strong cultural spirit to an innovative shape of management. Zo is located in an old sulphur factory close to Catania railway station.

Associazione Culturale NO_NAME

The NO_NAME cultural association has been operating since 2017 in the organization of film, literary and artistic events. The flagship of NO_NAME is undoubtedly the fact that sees it as the leader of the associations organizing events in Italy with the organization of over thirty editions of festivals and the exclusive production of events such as Etnabook, Via dei Corti, CineMigrare and Sicily International Short League. On the other hand, there are several collaborations for the realization of other important events, among which the prestigious Taormina Film Fest certainly stands out.

Associazione Culturale Santa Briganti

The Associazione culturale Santa Briganti was established in 2007 in Vittoria (RG) as a cultural resistance project that produces, promotes and organizes events to bring positive effects on the cultural, social and economic level. Its main activities are the Teatro Aperto, a contemporary theater festival, and the International Scenica Festival, which has been held in Vittoria since 2009 and recognized by MIBAct as one of the seven contemporary circus festivals of national interest.

isola Catania

Isola is the space in Catania that enables innovation and entrepreneurship. It offers training and discussion opportunities and it is the spaces for experimenting with new ways of working.
It is an accelerator that promotes and supports the birth and the growth of ideas, startups and innovative PMI. t is a training center which displays several learning windows.
It is a training center which offers learning and growth opportunities to territorial talents.