
La Petralonga S.r.l.

Our company is operating a traditional sicilian property consisting of a 1790 historical winery building and the surrounding fields, located in an urban context at the edge of Catania city. We operate two main businesses 2) Wine tourism under the "Etna Urban Winery" brand , consisting in wine tours and tastings, in close cooperation with our sister company that is a commercial winery located just next to us 2) Events - under the brand "Petralonga" , mostly private events


The Reserve area has been included in the list of sites of community importance, pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC and in the Network of European Geoparks, within the Rocca di Cerere park.
In Sicily, one of the most beautiful natural areas in the region extends between the provinces of Enna and Caltanissetta. Along the course of the southern Imera river, between the slopes of Mount Capodarso and Mount Sabucina, in an archaeological and naturalistic context of rare beauty, the ItaliaNostra APS national body has identified a territory to protect and promote and study its biodiversity.

Rete InCampagna

Rete InCampagna, Sustainable Production Network and Solidarity Offer, is a network of entities born in 2014. We are prevalently engaged in the field of organic direct sales, in a short supply chain shape, and we offer agro-mechanical services to farms as well. We are a steady growing company with 42 employees and a turnover of almost 2.700.000,00 € on 2020. We strongly dive our roots and culture on modernity, legality and limpidity, attempting to lead the Sicilian agricolture to the XXIst century.

Agrigeos s.r.l.

AgriGeos is one of the main Italian contract research organizations, based in Sicily, operational since 2002, specialized in field tests (studies on crops and soil residues, crop efficacy and safety, biological screening tests, variety evaluation, fertilizers etc.).

WESSLING Polska sp.z o.o

Ever since the company was founded in 1983, our aims have been to offer our business partners analysis and consulting services of a high quality tailored to their specific requirements. Also our aim is to deliver solutions embracing all the relevant issues in the sectors of real estate, environment, food, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. To this end, we are continuously bringing new expertise into our company and expanding our services. We are an independent company, and close relations with our customers are very important to us.