Environmental management


The Reserve area has been included in the list of sites of community importance, pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC and in the Network of European Geoparks, within the Rocca di Cerere park.
In Sicily, one of the most beautiful natural areas in the region extends between the provinces of Enna and Caltanissetta. Along the course of the southern Imera river, between the slopes of Mount Capodarso and Mount Sabucina, in an archaeological and naturalistic context of rare beauty, the ItaliaNostra APS national body has identified a territory to protect and promote and study its biodiversity.


“ Every project on the Sicilian contrywide, either little or big, private or public, for a new territory construction or for building restoration, is always a chance to make high quality architecture, respecting environment.” This is the philosophy of Studio “FRA – Architecture and Eco- Innovation” and his chief Architect Fabrizio Russo, who founded it in 1998 in Catania. FRA has collected distinguished results.

Management Advisor Srl

We are a management, strategic and technological services consulting company. We deal with social, economic and cultural needs of citizens, businesses, start-up, public administrations and non-profit organizations. Out team is young, creative and passionate. We work hard, learning something new every day and we really love our job. We strongly belive in the value of network and collaboration. Our business solutions are innovative and taylor-made. Thanks to our expertise we support entrepreneurs in their business and in the implementation of digital and innovative services.


Founded in 2017 thanks to the vision of Eng. Simone Massaro, Free Mind Foundry is an International Cooperation Hub among all the Mediterranean countries for higher education and research and development of intelligent technologies aimed at the monitoring and control of critical infrastructures such ad energy, telecommunication, transportation, smart cities, biomedical systems, and network infrastructures.

Pro Loco Riviera dei Ciclopi

The Pro Loco is a no-profit voluntary association carrying out its work in the context of numerous and varied sectors: from tourism to cultural, social, food and wine, preservation and recovery of architectural assets, environmental resources, the recovery of popular traditions and crafts (the so-called intangible culture), with the unique and exclusive purpose of promoting and enhancing the area of ​​relevance.

Marine Protected Area "Isole Ciclopi" Management Consortium

The marine protected area "Isole Ciclopi" is one of the 30 italian national MPA.
Its mission is to protect and manage a small but significative area of 650 hectars of sicilan sea, with remarkable geological and marine environmental values.
the tasks of the managing body are to carry out environmental research aimed at improving the management of the sea, promoting traditional eco-compatible economic activities and disseminating knowledge about the environment and its correct use


Founded in 2003 to provide services to individuals, public bodies, companies through the technical-cultural heritage that the individual professionals making up the company, have acquired during their experiences as freelancers, in those particular engineering sectors where adequate degree of specialization and technical skills.

Associazione MareCamp

The Marecamp association has launched the new offer for internships in Marine biology / Ecology / Natural sciences for the year 2022. Field activities will be carried out in the Gulf of Catania, departing from the harbors of Catania and Aci Castello for daily monitoring trips. All the surveys will be supervised by the marine biologists of the association.