Fondazione Città del Fanciullo

The City of the Child Foundation Acireale is a non-profit organization, with the aim of social and cultural promotion. It pursues wide-ranging educational and training purposes and collaborates with realities and subjects that move in areas that favor the growth and integral development of the person in civil society, also through innovative paths. It promotes the integrated development of the territory through intervention plans aimed at occupational growth by starting training courses, entrepreneurship education, mentoring initiatives, accompanying the creation of a business, guidance and school-work alternation. The Foundation is the promoter and implementer of territorial development actions in the Diocese of Acireale.

size (employees nr.)
< 10
Availability to host trainees
Company's contact
Address of the internship / thesis
Acireale (CT)
Contact person
Marina Scandura
Country company
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination
EUNICE contact
The specification given below refers to general offers for internships. Please check, if any, the 'Open call for internship/thesis' tab for a specific internship.
Fields of study
Required language skills
English B2
Italian B2
Level of study