With the approval and entry into force of Law 281 of 30 July 1998 which established the National Council of Consumers and Users (CNCU) and legitimized consumer associations to act to protect collective interests, the Institutions have now and finally contributed to the improvement and strengthening of the position of the consumer whose rights, also due to the positive contribution of many regulations issued by the European Union, are now recognized.

For the protection of these rights, nothing prevents consumers from acting individually, but the complexity of laws and regulations, the development of production and distribution methods and systems, the sophisticated technologies in use, the continuous offer of goods and services. completely new, far from the knowledge and experience of the

size (employees nr.)
< 10
Availability to host trainees
Duration of the internship / thesis activity
3-6 months
Company's contact
Address of the internship / thesis
Via Tisia ronco II 1/D 96100 Siracusa
Contact person
Claudio Giarratana
Country company
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination
EUNICE contact
The specification given below refers to general offers for internships. Please check, if any, the 'Open call for internship/thesis' tab for a specific internship.
Required language skills
English A2
Italian A1
Level of study
High school
Titolo progetto
Diritto dei consumatori
Breve descrizione
Reclami, proteste, segnalazioni e proposte dell'Unione hanno dato vita a numerose leggi e regolamenti che oggi rendono meno indifeso il consumatore.

Informazioni aggiuntive:
Attività di ufficio di consulenza per i cittadini consumatori per controversie contro i fornitori di servizi.
Deadline for application
Data inizio
Durata (mesi)
6 months