Civil Engineering and Architecture

RNO Monte Capodarso e Valle dell'Imera Meridionale

The Reserve area has been included in the list of sites of community importance, pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC and in the Network of European Geoparks, within the Rocca di Cerere park.
In Sicily, one of the most beautiful natural areas in the region extends between the provinces of Enna and Caltanissetta. Along the course of the southern Imera river, between the slopes of Mount Capodarso and Mount Sabucina, in an archaeological and naturalistic context of rare beauty, the ItaliaNostra APS national body has identified a territory to protect and promote and study its biodiversity.

Deutsche Bahn AG

With its corporate strategy "Strong Rail", Deutsche Bahn assumes ecological and social responsibilities. Germany will only achieve its climate targets if it succeeds in shifting a massive amount of traffic to rail in the coming decade. Every day, we work to ensure mobility and logistics for customers - in over 130 countries worldwide - and to efficiently manage and operate the associated transport networks by rail, road, water and air.