Cultural activities

SIKARTE Associazione culturale artistica

The SIKARTE Cultural-Artistic Association is a non-profit organization that exclusively pursues cultural purposes by promoting and organizing events in the area of ​​visual, musical, literary and theatrical arts.
Sikarte’s mission is spreading the art and its knowledge with cultural activities as exhibitions and events, such as educational workshops, guided tours and similar; extending the knowledge of artistic culture in general, through the web and contacts between people, organizations and associations, encouraging the activities of emerging and professionals artists.

Fondazione Città del Fanciullo

The City of the Child Foundation Acireale is a non-profit organization, with the aim of social and cultural promotion. It pursues wide-ranging educational and training purposes and collaborates with realities and subjects that move in areas that favor the growth and integral development of the person in civil society, also through innovative paths.

Pro Loco Lentini

The Pro Loco of Lentini is a Third Sector Entity belonging to the Unpli associative network, with over 600,000 members and 6,200 Pro Loco distributed throughout the National Territory. In Lentini it operates both in its office with registered office in Via Lisia, 3 and in the Tourist Information and Reception Office (IAT) set up on the ground floor of Palazzo di Città, and authorized by the Sicily Region with note no. 7/3/2018 in Via C. Alaimo, 1.

Pro Loco Riviera dei Ciclopi

The Pro Loco is a no-profit voluntary association carrying out its work in the context of numerous and varied sectors: from tourism to cultural, social, food and wine, preservation and recovery of architectural assets, environmental resources, the recovery of popular traditions and crafts (the so-called intangible culture), with the unique and exclusive purpose of promoting and enhancing the area of ​​relevance.

Circolo Didattico "M. Rapisardi"

The "Mario Rapisardi" institute of Catania is a kindergarten and primary school. It has a single complex: a garden floor with 8 sections of kindergarten, three of which are municipal, and three upper floors with offices and 29 primary school classes. The student population is about 700 pupils. As for human resources, the institution makes use of stable, expert teachers with high professional skills and trained and available ATA staff.

Società Storica Catanese (HSC)

La Società Storica Catanese è un’associazione culturale fondata il 20 Ottobre 1955. Ha lo scopo di difendere il patrimonio storico, artistico, monumentale e diffondere l’amore per Catania e la Sicilia nel mondo.

Questa associazione culturale da oltre sessanta anni costituisce uno dei fulcri del panorama culturale internazionale.


The Italian Library Association, founded in 1930, is the recognized national association that represents libraries and, pursuant to Law 4/2013, the profession of librarian in Italy. It takes care of the updating of librarians and is present in the MiSE list of non-ordinistic associations authorized to issue qualification certificates to its members.

Associazione Culturale MEDITERRANEUM

Since its foundation (2014), the Association has carried out and promoted various cultural activities, especially those relating to the dissemination and realization of events related to international author photography. As an example, one can mention the Med Photo Fest festival, started in 2009 by the will of some cultural promoters, and headed by individual firm Mediterraneum owned by Vittorio Graziano, current president of the Mediterraneum cultural association which, since 2014, has continuously continued to organize and carry out this event.

Associazione Culturale ArcheoVisiva

The ARCHEOVISIVA Cultural Association was founded in 2017 with the main purpose of organizing the "Review of Documentary and Archaeological Communication", an international film festival that has taken place since 2011 in the small town of Licodia Eubea. The event, which takes place every year in the second week of October, was included in 2019 and 2020 within the "calendar of major tourist attractions" presented by the Tourism Department of the Sicilian Region.