Zo is a “factory” planning and producing cultural events, in network with similar international structures, aiming at promoting the diffusion of all contemporary artistic and cultural expression. Zo is a space which is continously changing, born to receive multidisciplinary events with different requirements and characteristics, and trying to test new ways of presenting events. Zo is known in Italy as a “pilot project” because it tries to add a strong cultural spirit to an innovative shape of management. Zo is located in an old sulphur factory close to Catania railway station. Cultural activities are divided into five main areas: programming (theatre, music, circus, dance) productions and co-productions, workshops, artist residences, formation.
Associazione Culturale Zo
size (employees nr.)
< 10
Availability to host trainees
Duration of the internship / thesis activity
2 months
3-6 months
> 6 months
Company's contact
Address of the internship / thesis
Zo centro culture contemporanee-Piazzale Rocco Chinnici 6, Catania. Italy
Contact person
Toscano Pamela
Country company
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination
EUNICE contact
The specification given below refers to general offers for internships. Please check, if any, the 'Open call for internship/thesis' tab for a specific internship.
Fields of study
Required language skills
French A1
French A2
French B1
French B2
French C1
French C2
English A1
English A2
English B1
English B2
English C1
English C2
Italian A1
Italian A2
Italian B1
Italian B2
Italian C1
Italian C2
Level of study
High school
Availability to host students for thesis
Contemporary, performative arts and languages
Brief description
Multidisciplinary performance, artistic languages, role of culture in modern society, transversal languages to convey other human disciplines and knowledge with innovative, inclusive means.
Deadline for application
Internship start date
Internship duration
at least 3 months