Social sciences


MASTERBOSS ITALIA is data-driven lateral thinking. It is technological innovation. It is integration of tools. MASTERBOSS ITALIA is led by professionals who want to be useful. MASTERBOSS ITALIA guides the processes of digital transformation and innovation in the company organization. We think about how to integrate all the technological tools to build integrated, modern and functional systems devoted to automation and artificial intelligence.


Turnè is a tourist services agency based in Noto deadling, among the various sectors, with the use and enhancement of the Medieval Section of the Civic Museum of Noto. Museums are not containers, rooms in which to amass fascinating objects, they have passed the embryonic stage of the wunderkammer. The idea is to make graduates discover an environment that is often underestimated but which can offer a series of opportunities to work in the various fields of culture and art and communication.

Associazione di Volontariato Vides Ginestra

Vides Ginestra is a voluntary association, registered in the regional register, which has been operating in the suburbs since 1995. In particular, the commitment of the members has mainly focused on the Librino neighborhood. Among the events organized in the southern suburbs are 'Summer for children' and after-school activities. For 6 years, in charge of the Municipality, the association has managed the community center for minors of the Municipality, supporting families and promoting women.


The A.I.D.E. Region of Sicily, from the year of its establishment, 2017, has been projected to support families, children, adolescents and the disabled. The activities are implemented through public events, listening desks, and in particular a "neutral space".


AEGEE, in full the Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe, is one of the largest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe. It is a non-governmental organization recognized by the European Union with the role of permanent observer to the Council of Europe. AEGEE promotes European unity, international cooperation, intercommunication and integration in the academic environment. It is not connected to any political party, to any religious denomination and is not for profit.


The A.I.A.S. section of Acireale carries out neuro-psychomotor rehabilitation activities aimed at people with a physical, psychic, sensorial handicap, independent of age and cause, in agreement with the National Health Service. It also deals with the social inclusion of disabled people.


The Santo Adriano's ecomuseum (named La Ponte-Ecomuseum: is an initiative framed in the social museology, having as priority the relations of the community with its territory and its heritage. It seeks to contribute to an endogenous and balanced development based on actions of heritage and territory preservation, dissemination, and management. It combines three areas of work: historical, archeological, and ethnographic research, dissemination of knowledge, and community work.


We are an entity that works in 4 differentiated sectors: 1) social health care whose main group is the elderly, 2) We develop cooperation projects helping to improve the quality of life of people in vulnerable situations, supporting development initiatives in collaboration with organizations that have great local roots, 3) we work in schools working with respect among students avoiding any situation of discrimination and 4) we develop a labor insertion program for women in situations of social exclusion.