Enel Green Power is the company of Enel Group dedicated to renewable power generation. EGP operates over 1200 plants in 30 countries worldwide, with an installed capacity of about 50 GW and a production of more than 90 TWh/y generated from water, sun, wind, geothermal and biomass. In Italy EGP has a strong presence in the hydroelectric and wind energy markets, in the Green Hydrogen production development and is engaged in the production of photovoltaic solar panels, in Catania. Currently, EGP 3SUN is the main Italian PV factory and one of the biggest in Europe: from 2011 to 2018 has produced more than 6 million of amorphous silicon thin-film PV modules; and from 2019 started up a new fully automated manufacturing line to produce bifacial PV cell and modules based on heterojunction technology (HJT) with a capacity of 200MWp/y that will be soon extended to reach the GigaWatt size.