The SERVICE Company aims to offer in the plant engineering field an exhaustive engineering service for the multiple needs of the Client and aimed at obtaining "Global Quality". External…
EIR Internships

DISCLAIMER: This portal is designed to support international traineeships for students of EUNICE European University, including those at the bachelor, master, and Ph.D. levels. Currently, the EUNICE traineeship portal offerings, EIR-Internships, involve over 200 companies and institutions (NGO, Research centres, ...). In some cases, opportunities are also available for high school students and graduates of EUNICE partner universities.
Please note that any administrative or financial matters related to mobility should be handled directly with your home university. For funding opportunities, please consult your International Relations Office, and for administrative concerns, reach out to the registration or examination offices. Useful links can be found here: and also at the EIR portal mobility info page.
If you can't find the internship (at a company, research center, NGO, etc...) you are looking for or if you want to submit a spontaneous application, CLICK HERE
Sicil Tecno Plus has set itself as its primary objective the design and construction of civil and industrial works, in compliance with the highest standards of quality, environment and safety in…
SIFI is a leading international company in the ophthalmic field, based in Italy, specialized in eye care since 1935. SIFI develops, manufactures and markets innovative therapeutic solutions for…
Siveco TCI is a Sicilian startup, a branch of Siveco Italia which belongs to the international Siveco Group, the world's leading supplier of Maintenance Management software.
Interested in…
The cooperative manages the "Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù" kindergarten which is aimed at children aged 3 to 6 and is the answer to their right to education and care, in line with the principles…
La Società Storica Catanese è un’associazione culturale fondata il 20 Ottobre 1955. Ha lo scopo di difendere il patrimonio storico, artistico, monumentale e diffondere l’amore per Catania e la…
Solvay Química, S.L. is a chemical company located in Spain with headquarters in Torrelavega (Cantabria). The main site is in Torrelavega, an industrial complex whose activity began in 1908. It…
ST104 was foundedin 2012 in Modica. The studio deals with architecture, urban regeneration, design and installations. Thanks to the network of professionals, it has been involved in restoration…
STMicroelectronics, one of the largest semiconductor companies in the world, offers one of the broadest product portfolios in the industry by providing innovative solutions for a wide spectrum of…
Stockmeier Chemia is chemical distributor cooperates with many producers.
Stoquart is an international language service provider aiming to help organisations worldwide to overcome language and cultural barriers and connect with global audiences.
Our mission is to…
“ Every project on the Sicilian contrywide, either little or big, private or public, for a new territory construction or for building restoration, is always a chance to make high quality…
The office of Prof. Dr. Carmelo Giuffrida is an independent organization with a design approach dedicated…
Improving the quality of movement can change your life ", this is our motto, because our mission is to improve the quality of life of our customers through physical activity and proper nutrition,…
Swap Support is an international consulting company with offices in the Netherlands and Spain that offers "evolutionary" support, i.e. we solve incidents, but also recommend and implement…
SWIATEK Company was founded in 1978, in Bydgoszcz. Today it's a family buisness with over 30 employees. It realizes few research and development projects in cooperation with Poznan University of…
Taobuk is an international literary festival which combines music, theater, words and dance. In 2021, it took place under the Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, the European…