Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fiume Simeto

The Partecipatory Presidium of the Simeto River Agreement is a network of associations and individual citizens of the Simeto Valley (located between the provinces of Catania and Enna, in Sicily) that has been working since 2015 to promote Sustainable Development and Proactive Protection of the Valley, its ecosystems and communities. It acts according to the method of civic engagement, elaborates bottom-up projects, makes proposals to local administrations, with which it has signed the "Simeto River Agreement" (signed together with the 10 municipalities of the Valley and Unict), aimed at protecting the environment, enhancing the historical, cultural and landscape peculiarities of the Valley, implementing a plan for Sustainable Development based on Circular Economy, Inclusion and Solidarity.

size (employees nr.)
< 10
Availability to host trainees
Duration of the internship / thesis activity
2 months
3-6 months
> 6 months
Company's contact
Address of the internship / thesis
Via Giovanni Verga n.91, cap 95047, Paternò (CT)
Contact person
David Mascali
Country company
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination
EUNICE contact
The specification given below refers to general offers for internships. Please check, if any, the 'Open call for internship/thesis' tab for a specific internship.
Required language skills
English B1
English B2
English C1
English C2
Italian B1
Italian B2
Italian C1
Italian C2
Level of study
High school
Availability to host students for thesis
Community Development and Organizing: a bottom-up process in the Simeto Valley
Brief description
Simeto River Valley (at the feet of Mt Etna) is a inland area affected by several social, environmental and economical issues. A participatory processes is on-going (the Simeto River Agreement) to implement a strategic plan involving institutional, scientific and community partners to promote organic food, agroecology, social innovation, urban regeneration, cultural heritage, territorial marketing